August 08th, 2023
On 8/8/2023 at approximately 0514 hours NCPD received a report of a counterfeit $100 bill being utilized at a local convenience store to purchase a small monetary amount of items, then receiving change for the difference in items. On 8/8/23 at approximately 0803 hours NCPD received a report from the same store that the suspect had again used a counterfeit $100 to purchase items and receive change for the difference. Video surveillance was obtained, and the suspect was identified as Deborah Lute, subsequently, charges were filed at Magistrate Zungali's Office, a warrant was obtained, and then the suspect was located and placed in the Cambria County Jail.
**Every person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty**
*3922 (A)(1) Theft by deception
*3929 Retail Theft
Incident #